About Us
Welcome to waterleopardcat.com, your dedicated resource for everything related to Water Leopards, the unique hybrid offspring of the Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) and domestic cat. Fishing Cats are listed as vulnerable due to habitat destruction, and several non-profit groups are working tirelessly to preserve this amazing species. While hybridism might seem at odds with conservation efforts, we believe that nothing will bring more attention to Fishing Cats than the public being able to see and potentially own a domesticated version of these incredible animals.
At waterleopardcat.com, we understand that hybrids are pets, not wild animals to be released into their natural habitats. They do not compromise the "bloodlines" of the species or contribute to any of the negative perceptions often held by the public and perpetuated by animal rights groups to tug at donors' heartstrings. Our goal is to foster a deeper appreciation for the Fishing Cat by allowing enthusiasts to experience their beauty and charm up close.
We love and adore the Fishing Cat, and having Water Leopards that we can literally hold near and dear to our hearts only grows that adoration for the species. Through education, responsible breeding, and a passion for these remarkable animals, we aim to support conservation efforts and spread awareness about the Fishing Cat's plight. Join us on this journey to celebrate and protect one of nature's most captivating creatures.